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Ecommerce Development Services


Stancord has been adept at developing e-commerce assets for organizations who want to serve their customers through their e-commerce sites. E-Commerce has helped online retailers, small businesses and large corporations overcome the bottlenecks of the traditional offline retail model and scale up their services in reaching their customers

Our Design Methodology

Our e-commerce solutions cover the entire e-commerce landscape, whether its B2B, B2C, C2C or C2B. Our bespoke solutions help you drive sales, add figures to your bottom lines and serve your customers better


Business to Consumer (B2C)

In this model of e-commerce a sale takes place between a business and a consumer without the intervention of any third party

Business to Business (B2B)

The B2B model of e-commerce refers to a business which is engaged in selling its services or goods to another business

Direct to Consumer (D2C)

This type of business transaction happens when a brand is able to sell directly to its customer without the involvement of a retailer, distributor or wholesaler

Consumer to Consumer (C2C)

C2C e-commerce happens when a commercial transaction takes place between two consumers directly

Consumer to Business (C2B)

Consumer to business transactions take place when an individual is able to sell its goods or services to an enterprise


Businesses operating in the e-commerce sector aim to provide the best shopping options for their customers. These include providing numerous choices to an online visitor who can effortlessly carry out his shopping activities. A well designed website which is user friendly and responsive is the key for all e-commerce organizations which desire to provide superior quality of services to their customers


Solving problems, building brands

The solutions provided by Stancord in the e-commerce space have been a great enabler for online businesses to provide robust shopping solutions for their customers


Stancord has been proficient in developing e-commerce properties for organizations who want to provide online shopping options for their customers. Usage of the latest tools, technologies has helped in the development of websites which are user friendly and provide a comfortable shopping experience to users. Companies operating in the e-commerce space have been able to reach their customers better and provide them with various options while delivering their shopping solutions. Check, as to why you should invest in our web development services

More About Us

Our E-commerce services

  • Dedicated professionals
  • Cutting edge technologies
  • End to end solutions
  • Experienced Project Managers
  • Smooth communication
  • Bespoke solutions
  • On time delivery

What clients say about us

Our processes have been well defined and are in the stage of continual improvement so as to better the deliveries for our customers.



  • Q1. What is the length of the contract which shall be drawn between us?

    Ans: Until and unless you want, there shall not be any long term contracts to bind you. You shall be free to leave at any point of time as per your desire

  • Q2. What quality of support can I expect from you?

    Ans: We have highly professional developers who look after the technical aspect of the project. A dedicated Project Manager shall be assigned to overlook all activities which start with project initiation and ends when the project closure report is filed

  • Q3. Who shall be the owner of the developed software?

    Ans: Only you and/or your organization shall be the sole owner of the developed application. At the time of project delivery you shall be given all necessary files which comprise your application.

  • Q4. What sort of post delivery support can I expect?

    Ans: We shall be able to handle all post delivery issues by getting into a contract for maintenance and support services. This shall take care of all maintenance issues which arise at your e-commerce website and the contract shall be renewed on an annual basis

  • Q5. How shall you communicate with me?

    Ans: We have a very transparent mode of communication. Apart from the weekly telecons, we shall be sending you reports every month where all existing issues shall be discussed in detail. Also, our managers shall be presenting all project management related metrics to you in the report. The reporting structure shall be set up after due consultations with you and your team.


Things happen, come work with us.

We believe that the customer is the king and the websites are our deliverables. Come, join our amazing team.

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